Welcome to the website (“Site”) of Sneha Sandhya Age Care Foundation (“ACF”). ACF is a registered charitable trust, registered in Visakhapatnam. ACF runs the Hospice at St.Joseph’s Hospital for Palliative care and Geriatric care and outpatient clinics in and around Visakhapatnam, with the primary aim of providing holistic palliative care to persons suffering from life limiting illnesses and Geriatric care to the underprivileged of the society like inmates at Old Age Homes along with outreach initiatives like primary health care clinics at different locations in Visakhapatnam and identified tribal areas around the city.
This Site has been maintained only for personal information, education and communication. This disclaimer sets out the Terms and Conditions for use or access of this Site (“Terms and Conditions”). ACF may modify these Terms and Conditions or discontinue the Site at any time without any prior written notice. Any reference to the Terms and Conditions will mean a reference to the Terms and Conditions as amended or modified. The Site and its contents are designed to comply with the laws and regulations of India. Although accessible in other parts of the world, the Site and its contents are intended for access and use by Indian residents only.
1. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions
Access to and use of this Site is subject to the Terms and Conditions as set out herein and all applicable laws. By accessing and browsing this Site, it is deemed that the user has read, understood and accepted, without limitation or qualification, the Terms and Conditions set out herein. The user also acknowledges that any agreement with ACF, to the extent they conflict with these Terms and Conditions are superseded and of no force or effect. If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions, you may not access or use this Site.
2. Use of Information
The user may freely browse the Site, but may only access, download or use information from this Site, including any text, sound, images, audio and video (collectively: “Information”) for strictly non-commercial use, provided the user retains the copyright notice. The user may not distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, repost or use the Information for commercial purposes, without written permission of ACF. You should assume that everything you read or see on this Site is copyrighted according to applicable laws, unless otherwise noted; and may not be used except as laid down in these Terms and Conditions.
All access and use of the content of the Site hereof is at the own and sole risk of the user as to the cost and consequence. Use of this website does not confer any license or right to the Information or any copyright of ACF. All content related to ACF’s activities, as well as those of its associates included on this portal such as text, graphics, logos, icons, images and software, the trade names, logos and service marks, displayed on the site are the Copyright and Trademarks of ACF and are the exclusive property of ACF and is protected by applicable legislations concerning protection and preservation of intellectual property rights and international treaties relating thereto. Nothing in this Site should be construed as granting any license or right to use any Trademarks or Copyrights or Information without the prior written permission of ACF. Except as expressly authorised herein, the user should not display, download, distribute, reproduce, republish, or transmit any information, text, images, documents contained in the Site, without the express prior written consent of ACF.
4. Disclaimer of Liability
The Information, software, and services, included in or available through the Site may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Neither ACF nor any person creating, producing or delivering the Site assume any liability or responsibility for any errors on the Site and hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions, including all implied warranties or any information in the Site. For the purposes of this clause, a reference to ACF shall also deem to include a reference to, Trustees, officers, employees, consultants of ACF.
5. User Information
Any communication or material that the user transmits or posts on the Site by electronic mail or otherwise, including any data, questions, comments, suggestions (“User Information”), is and will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary information and shall become the property of ACF. ACF, or any its associates, may store or use the User Information for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast or further posting, without any compensation to the user. The user also expressly acknowledges that ACF, or any of its associates, are free to store, use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in any User Information, for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to the activities of ACF.
Notwithstanding the above, the users are prohibited from altering the Site or posting or transmitting any unlawful, threatening, libellous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, profane material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to a civil liability or otherwise violate any law. ACF will cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing ACF to disclose the identity of anyone posting such information or materials. The user agrees to indemnify and hold ACF, its associates, Trustees employees, consultants harmless from any claim, demand or damage, including reasonable attorney fees due to or arising out of the users conduct on ACF.
6. Links
The Site may contain links to third-party web sites, which are provided as a convenience to the users. These links are not under the control of ACF, and inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by ACF of such web site. ACF or any of its associates, trustees, employees, officers, consultants make no claim, and are not responsible for, any information found in such third-party web sites.
7. Non-transferrable:
Users right to access the Site and related websites is strictly non-transferrable. Any password, right or access given to a user to obtain information or documents is not transferrable and remains the exclusive property of ACF.
8. No Advice
The Site is designed to provide general information. The Site does not intend to provide an offer to invest in ACF (or any of its associates).
9. Limitation of Liability
The use of the Site is at the risk of the user. In no event shall ACF or any of its associates, Trustees, employees, officers, consultants, be liable for, directly or indirectly, any damages of any kind or nature, including without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or any claims or losses, whether foreseeable or not; or whether the user has been informed of the possibility in advance, resulting from or in connection with the creation or use of, or reliance in the Site, any other third-party site, the links contained in any site or the inability to use the Site. This limitation includes damage to your computer equipment or any viruses that may infect your computer equipment.
10. Copyright Notice
This Site and its entire contents are subject to copyright protection. The contents of the Site should not be copied in any circumstances without the prior express consent of ACF. Except as expressly authorised herein, the user should not display, download, distribute, reproduce, republish, or transmit any information, text, images, documents contained in the Site, without the express prior written consent of ACF.
11. Miscellaneous
If any provision of the Terms and Conditions is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful, invalid or void; the remainder of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect.
12. Governing Law:
This Site is created and controlled by ACF in Visakhapatnam (India); as such the laws of India shall apply; and courts in Visakhapatnam only shall have jurisdiction in respect of the Terms and Conditions. ACF reserves the right to make changes to the Site and the Terms